Disaster Ready Fund - Round 3 - NSW Application

This is a preview of the DRF Round 3 - NSW Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

About the Grant and Application Form

* indicates a required field.


The Australian Government has established the Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) which will provide up to $200 million per year nationally, over five years from 2023-24 to 2027-28.

The DRF will fund successful projects that build resilience to prepare for, or reduce the risk of, future natural hazard impacts. The investment will improve Australia’s resilience and reduce risk to natural disasters, with funding matched by state, territory, local government and other applicants, where possible.

NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) is the State jurisdiction designated to submit the NSW Application under the DRF. 

Round Three will build on previous rounds by making a further $200 million of Australian Government funding available for disaster risk reduction and resilience initiatives in 2025-26.

Before completing this application form, you should have first read the DRF Round 3 Program Guidelines.


Please refer to the NSW Program webpage for up to date information on the DRF Round 3.

Applications open
Wednesday 22 January 2025

Applications close
Wednesday 2 April 2025 at 5:00pm (AEDT) 


Full details of the DRF eligibility and criteria are provided in the DRF Round 3 Program Guidelines and on the NSW DRF Webpage.

See the NEMA How To Guide for further information on the Application form: How to Guide (NEMA)

Applicant Support Sessions will be offered, with dates, times, and topics covered to be published on the DRF webpage.

For general enquiries about DRF or if you require assistance in completing this form, please contact the NSW Reconstruction Authority at: drfnsw@reconstruction.nsw.gov.au.

All technical enquiries, such as system access issues, must be referred directly to SmartyGrants technical support line on (03) 9320 6888 and email at service@smartygrants.com.au


Late submissions will not be accepted unless the NSW Reconstruction Authority is satisfied that the acceptance of a late submission would not compromise the integrity and competitiveness of the process.

This field is read only. The identification number or code for this submission.
This field is read only. The program this submission is in.

Multiple Applications

Under Round 3, the Australian Government has capped the number of applications that each jurisdiction can submit. For NSW, this is 60. As a result of this, and to ensure that only the most competitive applications are submitted, NSW has adopted a maximum limit of 4 applications that each lead applicant (organisation) can submit. 

Each project requires a separate application form to be completed..

As the lead applicant, are you submitting multiple (up to 4) applications to the DRF Round 3?
If more than one application is being submitted, please ensure that you have consulted within your organisation to understand and prioritise these applications accordingly.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "As the lead applicant, are you submitting multiple (up to 4) applications to the DRF Round 3?" on page 1

Must be a number and between 1 and 4. The highest priority project should be number 1.
For Example, DRF-XXXX - Project Name

Eligibility Confirmation

Prior to commencing the application, please ensure you have read the Program Guidelines, and that you are an eligible applicant and that the project you are submitting for funding is eligible as per the Program Guidelines.

I confirm I am an eligible applicant and the project being submitted for funding is eligible as per the DRF Round 3 Guidelines * Required


The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • submission of this application does not guarantee selection for the NSW Government Application, and the NSW Reconstruction Authority expressly reserves its right to accept or reject this application at its discretion;
  • the Applicant has read the DRF Round 3 Guidelines for the Program and is fully informed of the relevant Program requirements;
  • the Applicant bears the costs of preparing and submitting this application and the NSW Government and Australian Government do not accept any liability for such costs, whether or not this application is ultimately accepted or rejected; and
  • the DRF Round 3 Guidelines, may be updated after publication and the Applicant is responsible for ensuring that no reliance is placed on an outdated version (if there is a new version this will be clearly identified on the website).

Use of Information

By submitting this application form, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • if this project application is successful and selected for funding by the Commonwealth, the relevant details of the project will be made public, including details such as the names of the organisation (Applicant) and any partnering organisation (state government agencies or non-government organisations), project title, project description, location, anticipated time for completion and amount awarded;
  • the NSW Reconstruction Authority will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any information received in or in respect of this application which is clearly marked ‘Commercial-in-confidence’ or ‘Confidential’ is treated as confidential; and
  • in some circumstances, the NSW Reconstruction Authority may release information contained in this application form and other relevant information in relation to this application in response to a request lodged under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 NSW (GIPA Act) or otherwise as required or permitted by law or required by court order.

Privacy Notice

By submitting this Application form, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • the NSW Reconstruction Authority is required to comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (the Privacy Act) and that any personal information (as defined by the Privacy Act) collected by the NSW Reconstruction Authority in relation to the program will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act and the NSW Reconstruction Authority’s DRF Round 3 Privacy Collection Notice and
  • the Applicant has taken steps to ensure that any person whose personal information (as defined by the Privacy Act) is included in this application has consented to the fact that the NSW Reconstruction Authority and other Government agencies may be supplied with that personal information, and has been made aware of the purposes for which it has been collected and may be used.